Guest Posts Exercise Mindfulness

Learn the Benefits of Meditating and How To Do It Correctly

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There is scientific evidence that meditating before sleep helps solve insomnia problems. In addition, it helps reduce anxiety and improves mood.

Meditating before going to sleep brings many benefits, especially for people who have difficulty falling asleep. Likewise, those who sleep without problems also get better rest.

There are millions of people in the world who are unable to rest fully. This is due to the accumulated stress of everyday life. Sometimes it takes them a long time to fall asleep, and sometimes they wake up at night or wake up in the morning with a feeling of fatigue.

Many doctors write paper or even dissertations about meditation before going to sleep, which can be a very effective alternative. Practicing regularly and properly is better than any pill or expensive mattress. In addition, it also affects the good mood the next day.

Meditation before going to sleep

The feeling of restfulness that comes after a restful sleep is not because the brain has been quiet during the night. Quite the contrary. While you sleep, your brain is hard at work putting things in order.

During sleep, your brain repairs neurons create new connections, and fixes relevant memories. Also, the deeper you sleep, the less cortisol, the stress hormone, is secreted. Not to mention the benefits for the immune system and the slowing of aging.

The point is, if you don't sleep well, your physical and mental health are put at risk. The question would be whether meditating before bed helps improve sleep patterns. The resounding answer is yes. A large study conducted in 2020 corroborates this.

In fact, other research has already established that daytime meditation alone improves sleep quality. In turn, meditating before bedtime helps reduce physical pain and stress because it reduces the activity of the hypothalamus.

The benefits of meditating before bedtime

Meditating before going to sleep helps create the internal conditions necessary for true rest. Scientific evidence indicates that this practice helps to calm the body and mind. In addition, it generates important physiological changes.

Calms the body

Meditation helps to generate the same physiological effects that occur in the early stages of sleep. The heartbeat slows down. In some people, blood pressure is also reduced.

Calms the mind

It is common to not be able to fall asleep because the mind is still very active before going to sleep. This is because there are pockets of stress that keep the brain on alert.

Meditating before going to sleep makes the mind focus on one thing, not jumping from one thought to another. This, in turn, helps reduce intrusive thoughts and promotes mental relaxation.

Mindfulness and melatonin

Other research has indicated that meditating before bedtime or any other time of the day increases attention and concentration. This contributes to achieving better rest because focusing makes the mind more stable.

On the other hand, some indications meditating before sleeping favors melatonin production. This hormone is essential for normal sleep cycles.

How to practice meditation?

There are several techniques to meditate before going to sleep. Here we are going to expose a basic but very complete one. Take note of the following steps.

1. Set the stage

You must make the decision to go to sleep. Once you do, reduce the light in the room and turn off all the screens that are on.

If you like, aromatize with lavender or inhale some of this essence. Start a stream of white noise, rain, or water if you need noise to sleep. Then get into bed.

2. Conscious body scan

Lie down in a position that is comfortable for you and focus first on your breathing. Then focus your attention on the areas of your body that are in contact with the bed. Then, starting from the tips of your toes to the top of your head, run your mind over your entire body.

If you want to relax further, tense each part as you move through it for 5 seconds. Then relax that area and move on to the next.

3. Conscious breathing

While doing all of the above, ideally, try to breathe deeply, inhaling and exhaling slowly. To get into your dreams, the best thing to do now is to start breathing by inhaling through your nose and holding your breath for 5 seconds. Then, while counting to five, exhale through your mouth.

4. Visualization

Fix your mind on a scene that brings you peace. In other words, you should paint in your mind a landscape in which there are nature, water, and elements that calm you. Keep breathing deeply.

Other tools

Other tools can help you move from wakefulness to sleep. They are the following:

Tips and recommendations for meditating before going to sleep

You should take into account that meditating before going to sleep will be a little strange at first. You may not fall asleep immediately, but it may take a while. It also happens that you do not see the effects instantly.

Usually, after a couple of weeks, the meditation routine will take you no more than 15 minutes. However, some people may still take half an hour or more.

It is advisable to maintain basic sleep hygiene measures, such as not drinking caffeinated beverages or alcohol at least 2 hours before bedtime. You may want to get some exercise during the day and not eat a large dinner.

There are several guided meditation apps that you can find on the internet. Some of them are free, and others are paid.

If, after a couple of months of meditating before going to sleep, you are not able to fall asleep or get a good night's rest, it is best to consult your doctor. You may need more specialized treatment.

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