We'll get you seeing the world with a generous dose of inspiration mixed with a splash of expert travel guides. Welcome aboard!
Featured Destinations
These places are awesome because... well... they just are. Click on each one below to reveal a truckload of travel insight.
Build Your Own Itinerary
You'll find a handy free itinerary tool on Forever Break so you can keep track of cities, attractions, tours, hotels, and restaurants. It looks like this and is found on relevant articles:
To use the itinerary tool, simply login or new members can register free.
Travel Tips
Everyone needs a little help sometimes. So we dig deep with practical advice and detailed guidance to help you explore the world.
Travel Gear
Every adventure starts with picking the right gear. From luggage to clothing to accessories, we've got you covered.
Forever Break Podcast
Get all lifestyle and travel inspiration you need from the new Forever Break podcast.
Season 1 launched on 26 May 2020 and includes 14 episodes focusing on the theme of mindfulness... and the journey within.