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Q: Is membership free?

A: Yes, completely free. Zip. Nil. Nada.

Q: What are the membership perks?

A: You'll be the coolest cat on the block, and a whole lot more.

Q: How do I use that fancy itinerary tool?

A: Glad you asked. The itinerary tool is available for free to all members. Here's a handy step-by-step guide for getting you started.

Q: What are points?

A: Members can earn points by doing cool things. The more points, the higher the membership level. Find out more.

Q: What are badges?

A: These are symbols of accomplishment, and there's a lot to collect. Get the full low-down on badges.

Q: What are traveler types?

A: These are profiles of common travelers that help you easily identify relevant content and ideas. For example, "outdoor trailblazer" and "nightlife star". Find out more.

Q: What are lifestyle types?

A: A similar idea to the traveler types (above), except for our lifestyle content. Find out if you are a "fitness fanatic" or "mindful master" or one of the other 14 profiles. Find out more.

Q: What if I find some info that is out of date?

A: Well done eagle eyes! Members can suggest an update on certain types of pages (travel guides, hotels, restaurants, attractions, and tours). If it's not one of those pages, you can send us general feedback anytime.

Q: Can I advertise my business on Forever Break?

A: Yes, take a look at more adverting options.

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