
What Are Lifestyle Types?

Our articles are tailored to your interests and passions.

You'll recognize color-coded lifestyle type profiles in our articles to help you quickly decide whether something is suited to your lifestyle.

We standardize these profiles across all Forever Break lifestyle content so you can easily find relevant content and inspiration.

Note: it's worth clarifying that "lifestyle types" are not exhaustive and most people don't fit squarely in only 1 profile - they could span 2, 3 or even 5, depending on the situation, location, and mood.

So have some fun and find out what's your lifestyle type.

Nutrition NinjaWonder ChefFitness FanaticHealth HeroSensitive SoulParty StarterEternal LearnerHappiness SeekerRelationship RookieMindful MasterDeep WondererMinimalism WizardSavvy SpenderCreative GeniusNature NurturerSocial Advocate

Nutrition Ninja

Cares a great deal about what goes into their body. They are more likely to consider or adopt a plant-based diet, and will more often turn to supplements over medicine for minor ailments.

Wonder Chef

Loves turning up the heat in the kitchen. The desire to create food can come from a range of sources, from feeding the youngsters to an artistic outlet for their creativity. The more organized version has a freezer full of pre-prepared meals they can reheat a delicious dish when time is tight.

Fitness Fanatic

If you ain't sweaty, you ain't doing it right! That's the motto of an individual who feels at home pumping at the gym, in a high-intensity group exercise class, or practicing HIIT at the park. Motivation for exercise ranges from strength to weight loss, or just feeling the endorphin rush.

Health Hero

Considers a more holistic approach to physical, mental, and spiritual well-being - from more mindful eating choices to light exercise like Pilates. You may find the more dedicated versions taking a vacation at a yoga retreat in a beautiful tropical location.

Sensitive Soul

May have been considered "quiet" or "shy" as a child and often misunderstood, this introverted individual possesses deeper insights than the average. Not always, but maybe a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP).

Party Starter

The more people, the better. This energetic individual finds group gatherings revitalizing. Often they are more charismatic and can easily strike up a conversation with a stranger.

Eternal Learner

Perhaps considered a bookworm in their youth, this academically-minded person values knowledge. Self-exploration is a crucial part of their inner working, and they are always on the look-out to learn something new that will improve themselves.

Happiness Seeker

Following the flow comes second nature to this light-hearted individual. Often times they are considered idealistic or misunderstood as not grounded enough. They are practiced at letting their feelings and intuition guide them. As they become more practiced at riding the wave of momentum, unexpected opportunities seem to materialize out of thin air.

Relationship Rookie

Getting along with others - either in a platonic relationship or romance - can prove a challenge. They are on the lookout to learn the secrets to master the arts of communication, affection, and intimacy. They may not have benefited from healthy role models at home, and easily slip into unhealthy patterns. Yet they are committed to charting a path to a brighter future.

Mindful Master

Often deeply spiritual, this individual focuses on being present in the moment. They are focused on bringing increased awareness into their lives. The more proficient versions will usually have a robust sense of humor, and provide a beacon of inspiration to family, friends, and co-workers.

Deep Wonderer

Most meaningful thoughts start with the question "why?". This deep philosophical thinker enjoys reflecting on life's tough questions and engaging in friendly yet vigorous debate with like-minded people.

Minimalism Wizard

This individual seeks to focus on the most important things in life by reducing clutter, eliminating unnecessary waste, and bringing mindfulness to consumption. The travel-centric versions are content living out of a suitcase, while suburban versions may appear just like other ordinary residents - however, their front door conceals a utopia of Zen-like serenity where every item has its place.

Savvy Spender

Their favorite motto is "a penny saved is a penny earned". Budgeting is their path to inner peace, with thriftiness as their mantra. Clarity and focus are produced by reducing outgoing expenditures, to allow more time for things that matter most.

Creative Genius

The dynamic self-expression of this individual can take a variety of forms - crafts, music, painting, sketching, dance, sculpture, the list goes on. The casual versions enjoy their artform as a therapeutic hobby, while more dedicated (and gutsy) versions chart their career around turning their art into an income stream.

Nature Nurturer

A deep connection with the environment draws this individual towards matters centering around environmental protection, animal welfare, sustainability, and climate change.

Social Advocate

While others simply accept that injustice and inequality are inevitable cogs in our capitalistic societies, these individuals are passionate about defending the defenseless, quelling corruption, eliminating greed, fighting injustice, and improving the quality of life for everyone and for future generations.

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