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Vaping Around the World

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Opinion about vaping is divided. Some claim that vaping is a safer alternative to smoking, while others say it should be banned because it poses a health risk. Laws that govern vaping are also evolving.

Governments around the world are changing rules as more information about vaping emerges.

In some countries, people are not allowed to sell e-cigarettes; however, possession is allowed. Several governments have banned nicotine-containing liquids.

The strictest countries forbid or frown upon the importation, sale, and use of electronic cigarettes. That means buying and using even the best vape mod in those countries is illegal.

When vaping was introduced, most people saw it as a great way of enjoying the smoking sensation without the risks associated with smoking. What's more, most smokers liked vaping because they thought they would do it anywhere they wanted, but this is no longer the case due to recent legislation.

And in addition to these legislations, the World Health Organization asserts that e-cigarettes are unsafe and harmful to human health. According to WHO, vaping can expose a person to nicotine, and the subsequent long-lasting effects can be damaging. Nevertheless, different countries have varying rules and regulations when it comes to vaping.

Vaping in Ireland and the UK


Currently, people are allowed to use vape mods in different places in the UK, as vaping in public areas is not banned. In 2017, legislation was passed tightening up laws that regulate the production and sale of vape products. However, there is still no ban on the use of vaping products in public places.

Vaping is banned on public transport systems in the UK. These include the train platforms and the London Underground. Just like smoking, vaping is not allowed in UK airports.

Business owners have the discretion to decide where people can use the best vape mods in their establishments.

Vaping in Europe

In Europe, the sale of vaping products and e-cigarettes varies from one country to another. But, most European countries allow people to vape where smoking is permitted.

Users that vaporize are faced with varying attitudes even in places where smoking is considered okay. This includes areas like beaches and public squares.

For instance, people are not allowed to use even the best box mods in public places in Portugal. Some countries like Finland and Denmark restrict the purchase of e-liquids and vapes where the sale of any liquid with nicotine is illegal.

Vaping in the United States

In the United States, vaping is allowed, yet prohibition varies from one state to another. Individual states have confusing laws when it comes to places where people are allowed to vape. These laws cover places like restaurants and bars. As such, it's essential to check before you travel from one state to another.

States like Nevada, Nebraska, Tennessee, and Rhode Island do not have regulations for indoor vaping. In California, the use of even the best box mod is included under a smoking ban. California has wide-reaching fresh air laws. In some localities, these laws include places that are considered "outdoors" like open-aired shopping areas and bus stops.

North Carolina doesn't have a regulation on restaurants and bars. But, most states restrict the minimum age at which a person can purchase vape products and e-cigarettes at 21 years.

Vaping in Asia


In Asia, vaping laws vary dramatically. Some places don't have restrictions on the sale of vaping products. But others have outright bans on their purchase and use. So, when traveling across Asia, vapers should tread carefully because laws that govern vaping can vary greatly.

It's only recently that Bahrain and Dubai legalized vaping. On the other hand, countries like Singapore, Qatar, Oman, Thailand, East Timor, and Brunei have banned vaping completely.

How these bans are enforced varies from one country to another too. Vaping in some countries amounts to the "technical" breaking of the law with little repercussion; however, in other places, users face pretty severe penalties for breaking vaping rules. Just like with other laws, vaping regulations can vary regularly. As such, it's worth checking where people are allowed to use the best vape mod for clouds before you travel to Asia.

Vaping in Australia

Just like in the United States of America, vaping laws vary by state in Australia. However, things are changing in Australia. Perhaps, this followed the release of a study showing that adult vapers are more likely to stop smoking traditional cigarettes.

In Western Australia, it's illegal to sell vape products. However, people are allowed to carry vaping products from other places where there are no restrictions. In Queensland, it's unlawful to use nicotine-containing vapes.

In South Australia, New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory, and Tasmania, using e-cigarettes and vapes is legal. In Victoria, people are required to have a medical license to use any nicotine-containing vape.

Nevertheless, people should exercise caution when using even the best mods in public places. The best approach is to research or ask first.

Vaping in Africa

Vaping is unregulated in most African countries, with a few notable exceptions. For instance, nicotine-based e-liquids are banned in South Africa. The sale of vape gear is prohibited in Egypt; however, people are allowed to use their vape gear. Therefore, travelers heading to Egypt should stock up first.

Vaping in Central and South America

South and Central American countries have few vaping restrictions, just like African countries. In a couple of places, the sale of vape products is restricted, but their use is allowed. Nevertheless, people should exercise caution because vaping laws keep changing.

The Bottom Line

Investing in the best box mod vape doesn't mean that a person is allowed to vape anywhere and at any time. Different countries have varying laws that regulate vaping. In some countries vaping is banned altogether and could get you into hot water. Therefore, users should research, ask first, and exercise caution when it comes to vaping while traveling.

About the author

Adam has been involved in the vaping industry for many years and is a wealth of knowledge. He's learned first-hand how travel and vaping is a combination that can be fraught with risk, so he enjoys helping other travelers navigate this ever-evolving landscape.

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