
Abigail Bevan & Jack Bolton

The Budget Backpacking Couple

From 2 university students unsure of the road ahead, to following the path to every corner of the globe.

Until 5 years ago, we had no idea what our lives had in store for us. We were 2 university students studying degrees we didn't love. We took our first city break together, to Barcelona, and realized the deep passion we shared for travel.

Just like that, a switch was flipped in our minds and we came to the startlingly obvious realization that we didn't want to follow the path we were on. At that moment, we promised each other to travel the world at every opportunity we could find.

Fast forward 5 years and 16 countries… we have camped in the Borneo rainforest in Malaysia, climbed an active volcano in Sumatra, swam with sharks in Sri Lanka, and explored temples in Chiang Mai.

We don't regret following the road of travel, if anything we regret not taking this path sooner!

Abigail Bevan & Jack Bolton's Travel Specialities

Nature Lover

Nature is arguably the most incredible thing on the planet and drives our passion for travel. Everywhere you go lies something new, from experiencing different climates, to witnessing endangered species. We have walked along some of the world's most unique landscapes and seen rare endangered animals up close. We hope to add seeing lions in Africa and hiking Italy's Dolomites to our experience list very soon.

Culture Buff

Culture is what gives a destination life. It is the heartbeat of a nation. Without experiencing the culture, traveling becomes futile. The ability to immerse yourself within local ways of life and respect how other people live creates the most memorable travel experiences.

Bucketlist Bandit

Nothing beats the moment you see an iconic site with your own eyes. Those dreamy Instagram shots never prepare you for how magical these moments can be. Placing a tick alongside an item on your wish list makes travel experiences even more exciting.

Photography Whiz

Capturing that special moment to hold onto forever not only in your head but in a physical (or digital) photograph is something we live for. We are very grateful for our ability to store our photos and immortalize our memories. Besides, who doesn't want proof that they saw wild tigers in India? We sure do!

Sports Fan

Sport unites people from all walks of life to move as one. You might not share a language, but you can still share a love and bond through sport. We have watched live games in 4 different continents so far.

One of our most magical experiences, seeing wild elephants in Sri Lanka
Hiking in Manali, the Indian Himalayas

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