
Podcast Hosts: Lianne & Corey

Get to Know Them... Um, If You Really Want To

Meet our charming podcast hosts.

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Lianne Davidson

In the 5+ years after leaving home, Lianne maximized the potential of her bruised and abused British passport. From utilizing the holiday working visas in Australia and Canada to road tripping the US and finding hidden surf spots in the Philippines, her love for travel is on clear display.

Having grown up with 2 older brothers and worked too many hours in dirty dive bars, Lianne brings her sharp tongue and quick wit to the podcast world. Her experiences as a modern vagabond have many wondering how she maintains this lifestyle.

Well... have a listen and you may find out!

Corey O'Flanagan

Corey has spent the last couple decades intermittently scouring the globe on both short and long term adventures. After a spell of, "growing up", he realized what makes him happy. So he met the gal, left his career, packed his bags and, well, hasn't looked back since.

With an open mind and an open heart, and we mustn't forget about his loyal companion Charley, Corey loves learning about pretty much everything. Culture and travel certainly are not excluded from that. His cheekiness is well balanced with an empathetic nature, to provide you with an enthusiastic (he is American after all), yet comical host.

You were warned... nothing is off the table

Ok, enough of this nonsense, back to the Podcast page.

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