February 2020 TL;DR

TL;DR (too long, didn't read) is our monthly recap in case you'd like to know what we've been up to. And if you don't care, too bad. We're tellin' ya anyway.


After spending much of December and January with family and friends, February 2020 saw us back at work, harder than ever. We achieved the long-awaited soft-launch of, and you can now read through our helpful travel guides and travel tips, handy lifestyle advice, tech and product recommendations, and much more.

Since we only have 4 hands between us, there's a limit to how much typing we can physically do in 24-hours (although we do like to push that limit!). We decided to focus on travel and have soft-launched with in-depth travel guides for Thailand and Malaysia as well as tips on what to do and where to stay in Western Australia and Bali.

What's Hot

It's impossible to open a newspaper, turn on the TV, or scroll through CNN online without seeing the global impact of COVID-19 (the coronavirus). Thousands of would-be-tourists have canceled or postponed travel plans, and the tourism industry is reeling.

Flight and accommodation bookings can be snatched up at ridiculously low prices for those brave enough to travel. Check out our pages on Bali, Malaysia, or Thailand if you're planning to take advantage of these discounts.

Read this article for a GP's perspective on the real risk of the coronavirus.

The 2020 Academy Awards saw Joaquin Phoenix named the best actor for his compelling role in Joker. Instead of the traditional 'thank you' speeches actors chime on the Oscars stage, Phoenix spoke from his heart, using the opportunity to talk about issues that really matter, to be a "voice for the voiceless." Humbly, he listed several issues humanity is facing collectively, acknowledging how disconnected we've become from the natural world and promoting shared love and commonality.

These issues reflect the core values of Forever Break, and we couldn't agree more with Joaquin Phoenix. Watch or read the full speech here.

The most popular article in February was 13 Travel Tips for Highly Sensitive People.

Nitty Gritty

Here's a selection of content we published over the last month.

Quote of the Month

Every intelligent individual wants to know what makes him tick, and yet is at once fascinated and frustrated by the fact that oneself is the most difficult of all things to know.Alan Watts

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Looking Forward

In March, we'll continue to hammer away at our content, bring you more travel guides, tips, and things to do in Bali, Malaysia, Thailand, and Western Australia. We'll also bring you 2 new destinations, Singapore and Turkey!

If all goes to plan, will officially launch in March, so expect to see us on your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Watch this space!

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Forever Break's soft launch took place on 20 February 2020. We are adding dozens of pages of new content at the moment so some bits may temporarily appear incomplete. If you pick up any problems - big or small - feel free to contact us. Please also follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest announcements.

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