TL;DR (too long, didn't read) is our monthly recap in case you'd like to know what we've been up to. And if you don't care, too bad. We're tellin' ya anyway.
March 2020 will remain imprinted on our minds for years to come as the month that saw the world retreat within national borders and behind closed doors to slow the spread of COVID-19. Our Millennial western generation has never witnessed anything quite so volatile. Thousands of people have been affected and millions more have had to re-think how they live their lives, earn their income and connect with family and friends. It's truly shaken us collectively to our core.
Our travel plans, undoubtedly like yours, have been completely wiped out for 2020. The rest of the year is a big question mark for us, and that's okay. We're lucky to have a lot of flexibility in our lifestyle, and be able to work from home, so not a lot has changed for us physically. Mentally and emotionally however, it's easy to feel powerless. All we can do is focus on the peace within and support each other through life's trials, so that's what we're doing.
One silver lining that has become apparent is the planet's ability to heal without billions of humans going about their business without considering the environmental impact of their actions. With people indoors, oceans, rivers and canals are cleaner. Declining greenhouse gas figures have been reported. We encourage you to be extra mindful during this time about choosing reusable shopping bags for groceries and recyclable (non-plastic) containers for takeaway meals.
What's Hot
As the world's population self-isolates at home, we find ourselves turning to the Internet more than ever before. While some see the 'forced' downtime as an opportunity to binge on Netflix or shop the latest fashion trends on Amazon, others are turning to education, self-improvement, and online meeting platforms like Skype and Zoom.
It's an opportune time to learn a language, practice meditation, or take up yoga. Stay tuned for our upcoming article on how to reduce fear in your life.
The most popular attraction page in March was Elephant Mud Fun at Bali Zoo. The most popular Travel Guide was Thailand.
The most popular pin on Forever Break's Pinterest account was a detailed attraction page on Kuala Lumpur's Little India.
Nitty Gritty
Here's a selection of content we published over the last month.
Quote of the Month
This John Lennon quote is especially appropriate in the current environment. To borrow a cue from Apple's original motto - humanity as a whole is being forced to think differently, from asking ourselves how can we connect with our family and friends online, and how can we responsibly reduce our spending with lower income levels, to wondering what could and should society look like when it finally emerges from this crisis? We are only limited by our imagination.
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Looking Forward
With the world changing as rapidly as it is, we can't possibly make many predictions about how things will look by the end of April. What we do know, is that we will continue to stay indoors, and work hard on producing new and exciting content for
We wish you and your family safety and peace during this challenging time.