PodcastSeason 1

Personality Types

Best Tests to Unlock the Secrets of Your Type + How to Interpret the Results

S1 E3 48 minutes

Have you ever wondered why you naturally do things differently from your family members or friends? Your personality type could be playing a big role. It's not uncommon to complete a personality test at college or as part of the hiring process for a new job, but what does it all mean?

Knowing your personality type doesn't just help choose the right career path, it can also play an important role in personal growth and developing a sense of identity and purpose. It can even contribute to choosing the right partner if you're on the market. If you have often felt misunderstood or alone in life, reading your personality test results can provide an 'ah ha!' moment - almost like seeing a psychic or someone reading your private journal.

In this episode, Lianne & Corey are joined by author and founder of personalityjunkie.com, A.J. Drenth, whom they quiz on test accuracy and the benefits of knowing your type. Listen in to explore the different personality type systems and discover why A.J prefers the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. If you're curious about your sassy hosts, this is your opportunity to know them better as A.J breaks down what Lianne and Corey's personality types say about them.

Expect many laughs and a few eureka moments as you learn how to further your education about your own personality type.

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Get To The Point

00:38 What to Expect Summary of episode 3

1:40 Quick Quote By Archbishop Desmond Tutu

1:55 Taking Center Stage What is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and how can knowing your personality type benefit you?

5:45 Expert Interview Introduction Background on interview guest, Dr. A.J. Drenth

6:14 Expert Interview A.J. Drenth lifts the lid on personality types, different personality type systems, and how to interpret and apply your results.

40:41 Further Discussion Key takeaways from interview

46:08 Take It Further Recommended books & online resources

Show Notes

If you've changed jobs in the last 5-10 years, there's a solid chance you've taken a personality test as part of the hiring process. A lot of colleges also use personality tests to help students choose a career path or field of study.

One of the better known and arguably more accurate methods of testing personality types is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, inspired by the work of Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, Carl Jung. Jung developed a ground-breaking personality theory based on 4 psychological functions, the rational functions - thinking and feeling, and the irrational functions - sensation and intuition. He believed that every person has a dominant attitude (introversion or extraversion) and a primary function that categorizes their personality.

Popular free online personality tests based on the Myers-Briggs system are available at 16personalities.com and personalityjunkie.com while the official MBTI assessment costs US$49.95. Take the time to read the test result synopsis in detail, and jump over to Google to take a deeper dive into what your 4-letter type means.

Remember the advice Chris Armstrong gave in episode 1, about letting the information sink in before jumping into another course. That applies to personality tests. Give yourself some time to marinate in the results fit before trying an alternative test.

Key Interview Takeaways

  • Knowing your personality type can help you understand your identity and purpose and work out where you fit in the bigger picture of humanity.
  • It also provides room for personal growth as each person possesses all 8 elements: extroversion and introversion, intuition and sensation, thinking and feeling, and judging and perceiving. Knowing your dominant attributes allows you to grow your inferior ones.
  • Expect your test results to shift as you grow over the course of your life. E.g. extroverts may become more introverted as they get older.
  • The 3 most common personality type systems are the Enneagram (meaning/spiritual end of the spectrum), Myers-Briggs (middle ground), and The Big Five (academic/scientific end of the spectrum).
  • Problems can occur when taking tests by self-reporting, like if you don't fully understand yourself. Expect self-reported test results to give you a nice ballpark idea of your personality type, then go ahead and read up on your results and type systems in general to get a broader understanding. Always answer based on your historical personality over the course of your life, not just on that particular day or week.
  • Visit personailtyjunkie.com for detailed articles on the different personality types and practical advice on how to determine which type you are. There's also an online course for "NP"s seeking to better understand their personality, identity, life purpose, relationships, career path, and more.
  • AJ has written 4 books, 2 being on his own personality type, INTP. Check out The 16 Personality Types, My True Type, The INTP, and The INTP Quest.

Connect With Dr. A.J. Drenth


Personality Junkie

A.J. is the principal visionary and founding father of Personality Junkie. His research has primarily involved Jungian / Myers-Briggs typology while remaining conversant with the Enneagram and Big Five models as well. A.J. has authored 4 books on typology and currently boasts the 2 best-selling INTP books on Amazon.com. He has also long been fascinated by the perennial question of "how to live." On this front, he has devoted much time to exploring topics such as identity, purpose, and authenticity. He is especially interested in how clarifying our identity and purpose as individuals can help us cultivate more meaningful and effective lives.

The 16 Personality Types: Profiles, Theory & Type Development2014
Rooted in the seminal works of Jung and Myers-Briggs, as well as recent advances in type theory, the book offers in-depth descriptions and analyses of each of the 16 personality types. Each personality profile contains an introduction, an examination of type development over the lifespan, and detailed explorations of the type's personality functions and inner struggles. If you hope to better understand the intricacies of your type, as well as your path toward personal growth, this book is for you.
My True Type: Clarifying your Personality Type, Preferences & Functions2014
Your personality type is an integral part of who you are. Knowing and understanding your type (e.g. INFP) can bring confidence and direction in your life's path. But like countless others, you may be unsure of your true type, perhaps feeling "stuck in the middle" between two or three types. My True Type was carefully researched and written to address these issues. It will equip you with the knowledge and skills required to clarify and better understand your personality type, preferences, and functions. If you really want to know yourself better and gain clarity in your life, this book is for you.
The INTP: Personality, Careers, Relationships, & the Quest for Truth and Meaning2013
INTPs are the most philosophical of all types. They love contemplating life and considering the broad ways things are interconnected. They are also concerned with the perennial question of "how to live." They loathe the idea of a mediocre life and have a deep sense that they should be doing something important. Through the structured lens of personality typology, this book reveals the deeper sources of their struggles and dilemmas, as well as potential solutions. If you're looking for a clear, honest, and penetrating analysis of the INTP, this book is for you.
The INTP Quest: INTPs' Search for Their Core Self, Purpose, & Philosophy2016
INTPs are equal parts thinker and seeker. While their status as nuanced and critical thinkers rarely go unrecognized, their seeking side is often overlooked. This is largely due to the fact they do most of their seeking inwardly, that is, by way of thinking. This book explores the deep existential concerns that INTPs strive to understand and resolve through their quest. It aims to further their understanding of their core self, purpose, and philosophy, as well as to illumine their path to integration and the successful enactment of their purpose.
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