PodcastSeason 1

Attraction & Resistance

Discover the Missing Ingredient to the Law of Attraction

S1 E8 43 minutes

The 2006 book and 2007 documentary "The Secret" thrust the law of attraction into the mainstream spotlight, making millions aware of their ability to create the life they want with nothing more than their mind.

In this episode, Lianne & Corey observe the importance of focusing only on the things within our control, not dwelling on negative thoughts, and practicing gratitude on a daily basis. They interview Paige Oldham, author of 'The Mindful Guide to the Law of Attraction' who brings home the fact that attraction is so much more than positive affirmations.

Paige describes our ability to attract what we put our energy towards, explaining that by obsessing over the things we don't want, we attract those into our lives too. According to Paige, mainstream approaches to attraction are missing a secret ingredient - mindfulness. We won't attract the things we think we want into our lives if there's a disconnection from our true inner desires and motivations. By practicing mindfulness, we can learn to distance ourselves from that negative voice inside our heads and develop positive thought patterns through tools like gratitude.

Are you ready to create the life you've always wanted?

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Get To The Point

0:46 What to Expect Summary of episode 8

1:31 Quick Quote By Henry Ford

1:50 Focus On… The Law of Attraction. Are you creating the life you dream of?

6:55 Expert Interview Paige Oldham on how mindfulness can change the game of attraction and resistance.

39:05 Interview Digestion Key takeaways from interview

40:38 Take it Further Recommended books and resources

Show Notes

The Law of Attraction was made thrust into the mainstream consciousness through the book The Secret, followed by a documentary of the same name (available on DVD and Netflix).

If you're wishing for things that haven't manifested, maybe you're wishing for the wrong things. Or in the wrong way.

Focus on the things inside your control and, over time, the change will manifest as you shift your mindset. Will you choose to dwell on negative circumstances or reflect on what is driving negative thoughts and make a point to confront them regularly.

Key Interview Takeaways

  • Whatever you put your energy toward is what you attract. When you resist something you don't want, in a way your subconscious is holding onto it. You're still directing energy towards it and your mind, not knowing any better, brings more of it.
  • Negative voices are the "monkey mind". Everyone has a monkey screeching in their head and feeding negative thoughts. Mindfulness teaches us to observe the monkey with distance, the monkey is not the real you. Your true self is what's in your heart.
  • By layering mindfulness onto the law of attraction you can determine your true desires and motives. If you direct your attention to wanting something, while inside you don't believe you're worthy or that it won't happen, it probably won't happen.
  • Society encourages a negative mindset where everyone is expected to strive to be better, not be happy with where they are.
  • Expect life to throw you curveballs. The best thing you can do is be resilient and keep an open mind.
  • Train your mind to be positive by practicing gratitude. Start with listing 10 things you are grateful for every morning or keep a gratitude journal.
  • Take "the power of the pause" to stop and reflect on different aspects of your life and consider ways of approaching them with different thinking and acting. Then going out into the world, try them out.
  • Paige's book, The Mindful Guide to The Law of Attraction can help people who think the Law of Attraction doesn't work for them, like Paige used to. It's full of easy-to-understand principles and actionable ideas you can practice straight away.

Connect With Paige Oldham


Simple Mindfulness

Paige offers simple, practical guidance to integrate mindfulness into your life. She hopes to save you a lot of precious time and life energy on your quest to be truly happy. Paige offers transparency, revealing her many mistakes (i.e. learning experiences), so she can support you on your journey to higher levels of happiness and fulfillment in your life.

A free guide, "The Mindful Living Guide" is available on her website to help kickstart your exploration.

The Mindful Guide to the Law of Attraction: 45 Meditations to Manifest Health, Wealth, and Love2019
The law of attraction suggests that our positive or negative thoughts bring about positive or negative experiences. This book pairs that belief with the powerful practices of mindfulness. Through intentional breathing, writing, and engaging, you'll hone a method for manifesting health, wealth, and love - the elements of happiness.
The Joy of Now Journal: Mindfulness in Five Minutes a Day2017
A beautiful, full-color guided journal that readers can use to help them appreciate the beauty of the present moment and "live in the now." With insightful questions, inspiring quotations, and thoughtful meditations, this journal is a guide to mindfulness for anyone who spends too much time thinking about the past or worrying about the future.


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